Instruction for Use
User guide / detail of The proper way to use a Wood Chuck Fire Wood Scale is to:
1. Attach your scale to your machine.
2. Drive your machine and scale to your wood pile.
3. Stack the wood in the Wood Chuck Fire Wood Scale to the desired scale marker
– make every effort to keep the wood tight and uniform
– the wood lengths must also be consistent to ensure an accurate measurement.
– The Wood Chuck Fire Wood Scale will hold a maximum of ½cord of 24″ length fire wood so it may take several full scale loads to satisfy your customer’s particular order.
4. Lastly you drive your machine to your truck and dump the wood in your truck as you would with any other bucket.
– There is a 1 ½” overage built into the scale markers to help compensate for any inconsistencies in your wood (Knots, bent pieces, or any thing that keeps the wood from stacking uniformly.)
– This is a small controlled overage and you should not load the Wood Chuck Fire Wood Scale any differently than directed.
– The designed overage is equal to 1 ½”x 8’x the length of the wood you are measuring (12″-24″) fire wood per full scale.
The Wood Chuck Fire Wood Scale is not designed to be used as a loader bucket if you try to scoop the wood you will damage your scale and void your warranty.